Commonwealth Society of Cameroon
National President: Mr Mandi Manga Obase
PO Box 470
Meme Division
South West District
T: +237 763 9090
F: +237 345 1393
E: cam_rcs@yahoo.com
Yaounde University Commonwealth Society
Branch contact: Dr Ernest L Veyu
Department of English
Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
University of Yaounde 1
PO Box 6090
T: +237 99712788/+237 7569 1613
E: vveyu@yahoo.com
University of Douala Commonwealth Club
Branch contact: Professor Kizitus Mpoche
Vice Dean for Admission
Statistics and Student Welfare
Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences
University of Douala
PO Box 3132
T: +237 3316 9913
M: +237 75055 353
E: kizitus@yahoo.com
Royal Commonwealth Society, Nigeria Branch
Country Director: Blackson Olaseni Bayewumi
Abuja, Nigeria:
e-Cove Space, Suite 7
4 Sefadu Close
Behind 4U Superstores, Off Ademola Adetokunbo Crescent
Wuse II
Lagos, Nigeria:
22A Maiye Ogundana Street
Magodo Phase 2
T: +234 (0)802999 0655
E: royalcommonwealth.nigeria@gmail.com
Commonwealth Peoples' Association of Uganda
Executive Director: Kiapi K Frederick
Commonwealth Peoples' Association of Uganda (CPAUG@10) at Oasis House
c/o Plot 87, Bukoto Street
Kamwokya Opp. Uganda Timber Growers Assoc. 116
PO Box 10358
T: +256 414 577 017
E: commonwealthrcedu@gmail.com
W: http://commonwealthassociationuganda.wordpress.com/
Facebook: commonwealthuganda
Twitter: ugcommonwealth